Prof. Ir. Irfan Dwidya Prijambada, M.Eng., Ph.D.
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- Kato K., K. Fujiyama Fujiyama, H.S. Hatanaka,D. Prijambada, S. Negoro, I. Urabe, and H. Okada. 1991. Amino acid alterations essential for increasing the catalytic activity of the nylon-oligomer-degradation enzyme of Flavobacteriumsp. Eur J. Biochem. 200: 165-169.
- Prijambada, I. D., S. Negoro, T. Yomo and I. Urabe. 1995. Emergence of nylon oligomer degradation enzymes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO through experimental evolution. Environ. Microbiol. 61: 2020-2022.
- Yani, A., D.Prijambada, T. Yomo, and I. Urabe. 1995. Effect of molecular size on the solubility of artificial proteins. Ann. Rep. of I.C. Biotech. 18: 211-220.
- Negoro, S., D. Prijambada, and I. Urabe. 1996. Engineering bacteria to degrade nylon oligomers. In Nakamura, T., Furukawa, K., Haas, D., and Silver S. (eds.) Molecular Biology of Pseudomonads. ASM Press. WashingtonD.C. pp. 273 – 279.
- Prijambada, I. D., T. Yomo, F. Tanaka, T. Kawama, K. Yamamoto, A. Hasegawa, Y. Shima, S. Negoro and I. Urabe. 1996. Solubility of artificial proteins with random sequences. FEBS Letters 382: 21-25.
- Yomo, T., D.Prijambada, K. Yamamoto, Y. Shima, S. Negoro, and I. Urabe. 1997. Properties of artificial proteins with random sequences. InLaskin, A.I., Li, G., and Yu, Y. (eds.) Enzyme Engineering XIV. The New YorkAcademy of Science. New York. pp. 131 – 135.
- Prijambada, I. , M. Anwar and E. Sugiharto. 1997. Removal of dissolved lead using heat-killed Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proceeding of the Indonesian Biotechnology Conference 255-263.
- Soedarsono, J., T. Yuwono dan D. Prijambada. 1997. The fate of N-NH4+ and N-NO3– in peat soil undergoing periodic diurnal aeration changes (in Bahasa Indonesia). J. Ilmu Tanah Lingk. 1: 19-23
- Yamauchi, A., T. Yomo, F. Tanaka, D. Prijambada, S. Ohhashi, K. Yamamoto, Y. Shima, K. Ogasahara, K. Yutani, M. Kataoka and I. Urabe. 1998. Characterization of soluble artificial proteins with random sequences. FEBS Letters 421: 147-151.
- Prijambada, I. D., D. Wahjuningrum and J. Soedarsono. Effect of fluorescent pseudomonads-rhizospheric colonization on Cadmium accumulation by Indian Mustard (Brassica junceaL.). J. Biosci. 10: 42-46.
- Martani, E., A. Marwata dan D. Prijambada. 1999. Lignin degradation in pulp mill effluents by white rot fungi and the role of urea addition. Biologi2: 317-328.
- Abe, M., S. Fukuda, A. Nuntagij, T. Purana, D. Prijambada, D. Widianto, T. Uchiumi, A. Suzuki, and S. Higashi. 1999. Environmental neutralization by acid tolerant Bradyrhizobium japonicum isolated from soybean nodule. In Y. Murooka (ed.) Evaluation of Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria in Southeast Asia. Dept. of Biotechnology, OsakaUniversity. Osaka. pp. 402-410.
- Prijambada, I. D., R. D. Primanto dan J. Soedarsono. 2000. Increase oil sludge hydrocarbons degrading microbial population due to the addition of cover crop (in Bahasa Indonesia). Ilmu Tanah Lingk. 2: 21-26.
- Ngadiman, D. Prijambada, T. Yuwono, dan J. Soedarsono. 2000. Betain metabolism capability by osmotolerant rhizobacteria (in Bahasa Indonesia). Proceeding of the Indonesian Scientific Meeting 2000, FukuokaJapan25 November 2000.
- Abe, M., S. Fukuda, A. Nuntagij, T. Purana, T. Uchiumi, A. Suzuki,S. Higashi, D. Prijambada, and D. Widianto. 2000. Acid-tolerant and fast-growing symbiotic bacteria isolated from soybean nodule in tropical asia. In F.O. Pedrosa, M. Hungria, M.G. Yates, and W.E. Newton (eds.) NitrogenFixation: From Molecules to Crop Productivity.Kluwer Academic Publ. Dordrecht. 503.
- Margino, S., Mubin, I. D.Prijambada dan F. Tomita. 2001. Potency of endophytic fungi diversity to produce antifungal substances (in Bahasa Indonesia). Proceeding of Seminar on Biodiversity and Its Application on Agricultural Biotechnology. Jakarta, March, 6, BPPT. pp. 437-450.
- Wijayaratih, Y., S. Syamsiah, dan D. Prijambada. 2002. Naphtalene degradation by Pseudomonas NY-1: The role of soil organic matter (in Bahasa Indonesia). Biota7: 1 – 12.
- Prijambada, D., D. Widianto, and Fahruddin. 2002. Faster degradation of oil drill cutting in limestone soil. Proceeding of Environmental Technology and Management Seminar. Bandung, Indonesia, January 9 – 10, 2002. pp. OEM7-1 – OEM7-6.
- Febrianti, N., D. Prijambada, L. Sembiring, dan D. Widianto. 2003. Characterization and identification of oil sludge asphaltic fraction hydrocarbon degrading bacteria (in Bahasa Indonesia). Biologi3: 115-128.
- Syafruddin, D. Prijambada, R. Sutanto. 2003. The effect of organic acid addition to phosphorus accumulating paddy soil on the availability of phosphorus and its uptake by rice (in Bahasa Indonesia). J. Agroland 10: 9-15.
- Prijambada, I.D., K.U. Al-Awally, M.S. Rohman, and I.W. Artama. 2004. Construction of 798-bp artificial open reading frames (ORF) encoding random sequences proteins. Biota 9: 37-40.
- Prijambada, I. 2004. Exploration, development and utilization of soil microbes for agriculture. In Susilo, F.X., Gafur, A., Utomo, M., Evizal, R., Murwani, S., and Swibawa, I. G. (eds) Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below Ground Biodiversity in Indonesia. Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung. pp. 88-91.
- Prijambada, I. 2005. Producing inocula for biofertilizer: The legin experience. In Arifin, B., Ismono, H., and Utomo, M. (eds) The Future Use of Legume Nodulating Bacteria (LNB) in Indonesia. Technical and Economic Perspectives. Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung. pp. 73-79.
- Sastro, Y., B. Radjaguguk, D. Widianto, D. Shiddieq, I. Prijambada, and N.F.A. Andini. 2005. The ability of biofosfat in providing phosphorus fertilizer for plants(in Bahasa Indonesia). Agrosains 7: 172-177.
- Sastro, Y., D. Widianto, and I. Prijambada. 2005. Survival and ability of Aspergillusniger pelletized with rock phosphate to release soluble phosphate (in Bahasa Indonesia). J. Tanah dan Lingk 7: 77-80.
- Sastro, Y., E. Widayati, and I. Prijambada. 2005. The role of added organic matter in pelletized biofertilizer and its storage temperature on the survival of Aspergillusniger and its ability to release soluble phosphate (in Bahasa Indonesia). J. Bionatura 8: 238-248.
- Ngadiman, D. Prijambada, D. Widianto, J. Widada, E.T. Widiastuti, A. Safarida, D. Ramdani, and I. Kurniasari. 2005. Rhizofiltration of heavy metals in aqueous waste using aquatic plants. Di dalam Kim, K., dan J. Park (eds.). Science and Technology for Sustainability. Vol 3, Monitoring and Remediation of Hazardous Chemicals Contamination in Asian Countries. pp. 157-168.
- Juarsih, J., I. Prijambada, and D. Widianto. 2006. Succession of microalgae grew on cold insulation and outer wall of LNG / LPG tank: A morphological and molecular approach (in Bahasa Indonesia). Sains dan Sibernatika 19: 65-79.
- Prijambada, D., Ngadiman, D. Widianto, and J. Widada. 2006. Evaluation of Boehmerianivea and Morusalba as bioindicators for cadmium and chromium contaminations in soil. The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Environmental Monitoring. June 27-30, 2006, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Irfan D. Prijambada. 2006. The role of microorganisms in phytoremediation of heavy metal polluted soil. In Ariyanto, D.P, Marwoto, Supriyadi, Maryani, L. Saptawati, M.M.A.R. Rosariastuti, dan Mulyani (eds.). Improved Role of Microbiological Research & Technology in the Field of Food Safety & Health. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Microbiological Society (in Bahasa Indonesia). Surakarta, August 26th -27th, 2006
- Mukaromah, E., I. Prijambada, J. Widada, dan A. Maas. 2006. Macrocosm study on bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soil by repeated inoculations of microorganisms and fertilizer additions. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Agricultural Research (in Bahasa Indonesia). Yogyakarta, September 15th, 2006, 244-247.
- Sudadi, I. Prijambada, S. Kabirun, A. Maas, and J. Widada. 2006. Potential of sulfur oxidizing Penicillium nalgiovensis and Aspergillus japonicus to solubilize rock phosphate. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Agricultural Research (in Bahasa Indonesia). Yogyakarta, September 15th, 2006, 188-193.
- Sastro, Y., D. Widianto, and I. Prijambada. 2007. Effect of organic matter content and drying temperature on the resistance of Aspergillus niger in pelletized biofertilizer (in Bahasa Indonesia). J. Biota 12: 122-126.
- Sastro, , D. Widianto, and I.D. Prijambada. 2007. Effect of cassava, rice husks, starch, and humic acid mixture on the growth of Aspergillus niger and its ability to dissolve rock phosphate (in Bahasa Indonesia). J. Biosfera 23: 144-149.
- Sastro, Y., D. Widianto, and I. Prijambada. 2007. The role of carbon source on the provision of P from bio-phosphate fertilizer in Ultisols and Inceptisols. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Agricultural Innovation Development for Marginal Land (in Bahasa Indonesia).Palu, July, 24th – 25th, 2007. pp. 455-459.
- Sastro, Y., I. Prijambada, and D. Shiddieq. 2007. Response of maize cultivated in Andisol to Bio-Phosphate fertilizer (in Bahasa Indonesia). J. Bionatura 9: 279-286.
- Sudadi, I. Prijambada, S. Kabirun, A. Maas, and J. Widada. 2007. Potential of sulfur oxidizing Penicillium nalgiovensis and Aspergillus japonicus grown in the medium of solid waste tapioca to solubilize rock phosphate. Enviro 9: 28-31.
- Sudadi, I. Prijambada, S. Kabirun, A. Maas, and J. Widada. 2007. Opportunity to use Penicillium nalgiovensis and Aspergillus japonicus to increase sulfate availability from elemental sulfur. Proceedings of the IX National Congress of Soil Science Society of Indonesia. Solving the Problem of Soil and Water Mismanagements for Maximizing People’s Welfare (in Bahasa Indonesia). Yogyakarta, December, 5th -7th, 2007. 1572-1580.
- Sudadi, I. Prijambada, S. Kabirun, A. Maas, and J. Widada. 2008. Aspergillus japonicus and Penicillium nalgiovensis: The potential of biological resources to overcome sulfur deficiency. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Microbiological Society (in Bahasa Indonesia). Purwokerto, August, 22nd – 23rd, 2008.
- Wijayaratih, Y., B. Radjagukguk, E. Martani, and I. Prijambada. 2008. Characteristics of dibenzofuran decomposing bacterial consortium obtained from mangrove sediments (in Bahasa Indonesia). J. Manusia danLingk. 15: 59-69.
- Khusnuryani, A., D.Prijambada, and E. Martani. 2009. Protozoa addition and its effect on celulolytic and hemicellulolytic microbial number during straw decompositon. Proceeding the First International Seminar on Science and Technology (ISSTEC 2009). Yogyakarta, Indonesia, January, 24, 2009. pp. 951-957.
- Triyanto, A. Isnansetyo, I. Prijambada, J. Widada, and A. Tarmiawati. 2009. Isolation, characterization and infection test of proteolytic bacteria isolated from the mud of mangrove forests (in Bahasa Indonesia). J. Perikanan 11: 16-24.
- Evizal, R., Tohari, I. Prijambada, J. Widada, and D. Widianto. 2009. Environmental services of shade trees in coffee agroecosystem: Its contribution on nitrogen and coffee productivity (in Bahasa Indonesia). Pelita Perkebunan 25: 23-37.
- Evizal, R., Tohari, D. Prijambada, J. Widada, and D. Widianto. 2009b. Biomass production of shade-grown coffee agroecosystems. Proc. International Seminar on Biomass Production and Utilization: Challenges and Opportunities. The University of Lampung, August 3-4. p 294-303.
- Prijambada, I., J. Widada, S. Kabirun, and D. Widianto. 2009. Secretion of organic acids by phosphate solubilizing bacteria isolated from oxisols. Jurnal Tanah Tropika 14: 245-251.
- Prijambada, I. and E. Proklamasiningsih. 2010. Effect of organic acids amendment on the growth and yield of soybean (Glycine max) in Ultisol. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 12: 566-570.
- Witasari, L., I.D. Prijambada, J. Widada, dan D.A.A. Wibawa. 2010. Cloning of thermostable DNA polymerase gene from a thermophilic Brevibacillus sp. isolated from Sikidang Crater, Dieng Plateau, Central Java. I.J. Biotech. 15: 72-78.
- Widianto, D., A. Arofatullah, T. Yuwono, dan I. Prijambada. 2010. Ethanol production by fermentation of various sweet-stalk sorghum juices using various yeast strains. I.J. Biotech. 15: 86-93.
- Evizal, R., Tohari, D. Prijambada, J. Widada, F.E. Prasmatiwi, dan Afandi. 2010. Pengaruh tipe agroekosistem terhadap produktivitas dan keberlanjutan usahatani kopi. Jurnal Agrotropika 15: 17-22.
- Rosariastuti, M.M.A.R., A. Pramono, A. Rosa, Ngadiman, and I. Prijambada. 2011. Capability of rhizobacteria isolated from chromium contaminated soil to reduce chromium (in Bahasa Indonesia). Proceeding of National Seminar on “Effort to Remediate Land Affected by Volcanoes Eruption”. Surakarta, April, 26-27, 2011.
- Wijayaratih, Y., B. Radjagukguk, E. Martani, and I. Prijambada. 2011. Isolation and selection of bacteria from mangrove sediment to construct dibenzofuran degrading bacterial consortia (in Bahasa Indonesia). Biota 16: 325-335.
- Pramono, A., M.M.A.R. Rosariastuti, Ngadiman, and I. Prijambada. 2011. The Cr (VI) reduction potential of Agrobacterium sp. Proceeding of the 4th Environmental Technology and Management Conference. Bandung, Indonesia, November3 – 4, 2011. pp. EI18-1 – EI18-15.
- Prijambada, I.D., J. Widada, P. Kusumaningtyas, and D. 2012. Diversity of dibenzofuran-utilizing bacteria isolated by direct-plating and enrichment methods. I.J. Biotech. 17: 27-34.
- Rohman, M.S., D. Prijambada, Y.A. Indriani, and H. Hendrosatriyo. 2012. Identification of protease producing halophilic bacteria from Bledug Kuwu-Mud Volcano I.J.Biotech. 17: 35-41.
- Proklamasiningsih, E., D. Prijambada, D. Rachmawati, and R.P. Sancayaningsih. 2012. The effect of aluminum (Al) salts addition on the uptake of aluminium (Al) and the growth of soybean root grown in acidic growth media (in Bahasa Indonesia). Bionatura 14: 107-114.
- Proklamasiningsih, E., D. Prijambada, D. Rachmawati, and R.P. Sancayaningsih. 2012. Rate of photosynthesis and chlorophyll content of soybean on acidic growth medium exposure with aluminum salts. Agrotrop 2: 17-24.
- Jasman, D. Prijambada, D. Widianto, and C. Hidayat. 2012. Selection of yeast strains for ethanol fermentation of glucose-fructose-sucrose mixture. I.J. Biotech. 17: 114-120.
- Prijambada, I.D., R.A. Sitompul, J. Widada and D. 2012. Impact of agricultural intensification practices on bacterial community in agro-ecosystems of Southern Sumatra, Indonesia. Int. J. Agric. Biol.12: 816-820.
- Evizal, , Tohari, I.D. Prijambada, J. Widada, and D. Widianto. 2012. Soil bacterial diversity and productivity of coffee – shade tree agro-ecosystems. J. Trop. Soil Sci.17: 181-187.
- Evizal, R., Tohari, I.D. Prijambada, and J. Widada. 2012. The role of shade trees in determining coffee yield. (in Bahasa Indonesia). Jurnal Agrotropika 17: 19-23.
- Rosariastuti, M.A.R., I.D. Prijambada, Ngadiman, G.S. Prawidyarini, and A.R. Putri. 2013. Isolation and identification of plant growth promoting and chromium uptake enhancing bacteria from soil contaminated by leather tanning industrial waste. J. Basic Appl. Sci. 9:243-251.
- Evizal, , I.D. Prijambada, J. Widada, D. Widianto and Tohari. 2013. Diversity of legume nodulating bacteria as key variable of coffee agro-ecosystem productivity. Int. Res. J. Agric. Sci. Soil Sci. 3: 141-146.
- Pramono, A., M.M.A. Retno Rosariastuti, Ngadiman, D. Prijambada. 2013. Bacterial Cr (VI) reduction and its impact in bioremediation. J.I.L. 11: 120-131.
- Utami, D., Takahi, and I.D. Prijambada. 2013. Mercury accumulation in gold mine tailing by sweet sorghum inoculated with chromium uptake enhancing rhizobacteria. Int. J. Biosci. Biotech.1: 85-89.
- Retnaningrum, E., D. Prijambada, S. Moeljopawiro, and B.S. Daryono. 2014. Effect of biofertilizer addition on nitrous oxide emission. J.Basic Appl. Sci. 10: 44-52.
- Kasmiyati, S., S. Santosa, D. Priyambada, K. Dewi, and R. Sandradewi.. 2015. Seed germination and seedling growth of Sorghum bicolor (L.) varieties on hexavalent chromium stress (in Bahasa Indonesia). BIOMA.17: 41-54.
- Oh, K., S. Takahi, Wedhastri, H. L. Sudarmawan, R. Rosariastuti, and I. D. Prijambada. 2015. Phytoremediation of mercury contaminated soils in a small scale artisanal gold mining region of Indonesia. Int. J. Biosci. Biotech. 3: 14-21.
- Kasmiyati, S., S. Santosa, D. Priyambada, K. Dewi, S. Sucahyo, and R. Sandradewi. 2016. Grwoth response of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. cultivar to trivalent chromium stress. Biosaintifika 8: 71-84.
- Achmad, A.A., M.S. Rohman,I. Prijambada. 2016. Biochemical properties of crude extracellular proteases from Chromohalobacter salexigens BKL5 and Micrococcus luteus 11A. I.J. Biotech. 21: 56–62.
- Jasman, I. Prijambada, D. Widianto, and C. Hidayat. 2017. Increasing bioethanol yield from fermentation of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) sap by mixed culture composed of two yeast strains. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 10:1-8.
- Fitriani, D., M.S. Rohman, I. Prijambada. 2017. Proteolytic activity of recombinant DegP from Chromohalobacter salexigens BKL5. / Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 29: 7–12.
- Nurhayati, I.D. Prijambada, O.K. Radjasa, J. Widada. 2017. Repetitive element palindromic PCR (Rep-PCR) as a genetic tool to study diversity in amylolytic bacteria. Sci. Lett. 23: 6458-6461.
- Ferdana, A.D., T.B.M. Petrus, I.M. Bendiyasa, I.D. Prijambada, F. Hamada, T. Sachiko. 2018. Study on Sumbawa gold recovery using centrifuge. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng.285: 012027.
- Lathifah, A.N., Y. Guo, N. Sakagami, W. Suda, M. Higuchi, T. Nishizawa, I.D. Prijambada, H. Ohta. 2019. Comparative characterization of bacterial communities in moss-covered and unvegetated volcanic deposits of Mount Merapi, Indonesia. Microbes Environ. 34: 268-277.
- Utami D., D. Widianto, M.S. Rohman, H.H. Satriyo, Sheila, J. Anggun, I.D. Prijambada. 2019. Synergistic capability of bacterial-fungal co-culture to degrade drill cutting hydrocarbon. J. Microb. Biochem. Technol. 11:425-431.
- D. Prijambada, Widodo. 2019. Measuring the performance of MSMEs with KPIs (in Bahasa Indonesia). In Budiarto, R., Fitriyanto, N.A. (eds.). Key Performance Indicators UMKM. Direktorat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Gadjah Mada. pp. 1-29.
- D. Prijambada. 2020. Opportunities in the middle of difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia (in Bahasa Indonesia). In Yuwono, T. (ed.). Agricultural Development. Building Food Self-Sufficiency in Times of Disaster and Pandemic. Lily Publisher, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. pp. 495-510.
- Mawardi, F., A.S. Lestari, A.B.T. Randita, D.R. Kambey, I.D. Prijambada. 2020. Strengthening primary health care: Emergency and disaster preparedness in community with multidisciplinary approach. Disaster Med. Public Health Prep. 15: 675-676.
- Ana, C. Agus, H. Suryatmojo, W. Widyatmanti, I.E. Aluicius, S.S. Kusumawardani, Mustofa, M. Ushada, R.T. Nurhayati, A. Kurniawan, I.D. Prijambada, A. Kusumandari. 2020. Innovative and sustainable research-based learning & community services during lockdown by Covid-19. In W.L. Filho, N. Ricardo, M. Pedro, M. Adrian, M. Lourdes (eds.). COVID-19: Paving the Way for a More Sustainable World, World Sustainability Series, Springer International Publishing Switzerland. pp. 257-279.
- Sari, S.L.A.; T. Triyanto, Z. Zuprizal, D. Prijambada. 2021. Cellulolytic and mannanolytic aerobic bacteria isolated from buffalo rumen (Bubalus babalis) and its potency to degrade fiber in palm kernel meal. Biodiversitas 22: 2829–2837.
- Mellyanawaty, M.; S. Nakakoji, M. Tatara, L. Marbelia, Sarto, D. Prijambada, W. Budhijanto, Y. Ueno. 2021. Enrichment of thermophilic methanogenic microflora from mesophilic waste activated sludge for anaerobic digestion of garbage slurry. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 132: 630–639.
- Widianto, D.; A.D. Pramita, I. Kurniasari, N.A. Arofatullah, D. Prijambada, J. Widada, S. Indarti. 2021. Bacillus is one of the most potential genus as a biocontrol agent of golden cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis). Arch. Phytopathol. Plant Prot. 54: 2191-2205.
- Sari, S.L.A.; T. Triyanto, Z. Zuprizal, D. Prijambada. 2022. Lipolytic and proteolytic activities of fibrolytic bacteria from buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) rumen. Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Biological Science (ICBS 2021). pp 437-442.
- F., S.F. Millenia, I.D. Prijambada. 2022. Comparison of immobilization media types to the performance of the thermophilic anaerobic decomposition process of palm oil mill effluent. J. Rek. Pros. 16: 30-35 (in Bahasa Indonesia).
- Kartika, R.W.A., N.S.Desman, D. Prijambada. 2022. Thermophilic anaerobic decomposition of palm oil mill effluent under various substrate concentration. J. Rek. Pros.16: 25-29 (in Bahasa Indonesia).
- Sari, E., A.P. Nugroho, E. Retnaningrum, I.D. Prijambada. 2022. Plant dispersal at Bangka post-tin mining revegetated land correlated with soil chemical physical properties and heavy metal distribution. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Tourism (ICOSEAT 2022). pp 733-741.
- Sari, E., A.P. Nugroho, E. Retnaningrum, D. Prijambada. 2023. Literature review and experiment: Diversity of bacteria in forest, revegetated post-mining land, and active tin mining with a metagenomic approach. IJoST 8: 19-48.
- Isnaini, N., S. Indarti, D. Widianto, T.R. Nuringtyas, N.A. Arofatullah, I.D. Prijambada. 2023. Biocontrol potential of nematode-targeting fungi from coffee plant rhizosphere against pratylenchus coffeae root lesion nematode. Pak. J. Phytopathol. 35: 451-458.
- Lathifah, A.N., I.D. Prijambada, H. Ohta. 2024 Plant growth promoting potential of Arthrobacter spp., an early colonizer on the volcanic deposits of Mt. Merapi, Indonesia, as a restorative agent for degraded land. Proceeding of the 7th Environmental Technology and Management Conference (ETMC 2023), Bali, Indonesia November 1-3, 2023. pp. 1-10.
- Mellyanawaty, M., L. Marbelia, Sarto, I.D. Prijambada, Y.A.Y. Rochman, W. Budhijanto. 2024. Application of anaerobic digestion model No. 1 on thermophilic anaerobic digestion with microbial immobilization media for biogas production from sugarcane vinasse. JECE 12: 1-10.
- M Magdalena, C R Priyambada, D Widianto, S Wedhastri, I D Prijambada. 2024. Yeast Diversity in Honey Produced by Wild Honeybees at Different Elevations. Baghdad Science Journal 2411-7986.