Prof. Ir. Triwibowo Yuwono, Ph.D.
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Publikasi Ilmiah:
- Yuwono, T. 1992. The evaluation of heta-shock promoter for heterologous gene expression in yeast. Agricultural Science 4: 413 -427.
- Subandiyah, S., Yuwono, T., and Artama, W.T. 1994. The use of pulse field gel electrophoresis for megaplasmid isolation of Pseudomonas solanacearum. Agricultural Science 5: 735 – 740.
- Yuwono, T., M. Shovitri, E. Mursyanti, J. Soedarsono. 1996. Development of probes for detection of betaine genes in rhizobacteria using PCR-amplified betaine-encoding DNA sequences. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, December (1996). pp. 75 – 81.
- Erni Martani, T. Yuwono dan I.D. Prijambada. 1996. Alternatif Bioteknologi untuk Meningkatkan Peranan Mikrobia dalam Pertanian Masa Depan. Sem-nas Paradigma Dasar dan Inovasi IPTEK Abad 21, Yogya , 1996.
- Yuwono, T., A. Ikhwan, A.S. Mintarsih, J. Soedarsono. 1997. Genome analysis of drought-tolerant rhizobacteria. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, December (1997).
- Joedoro Soedarsono, Triwibowo Yuwono dan Irfan Dwidya Prijambada. 1997. Nasib N-NH4+ dan N-NO3- di dalam tanah gambut yang mengalami perubahan aerasi secara periodik.J. Ilmu Tanah Lingk. 1: 19-23.
- Yuwono, T., Lolita, E.S., A. Ikhwan, Ngadiman, M. Shovitri, E. Mursyanti, and J. Soedarsono. 1997. Studies on drought-tolerance of rhizobacteria and their potential use as growth-promoting agent for Gogo rice. Proceedings of IC Biotech, Osaka University, Japan.
- Yuwono, T., E. Mursyanti., and J. Soedarsono. 1999. Cloning of Betain Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Gene of Escherichia coli and Its Use as a Probe for Related Gene in salt-tolerant Rhizobacteria. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, June (1999).
- Yuwono, T., A. Ikhwan, and J. Soedarsono. 1999. Comparison of methods for genomic DNA isolation of rhizospheric microorganisms. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, June (1999).
- Yuwono, T., D. Rachmawati, and J. Soedarsono. 2000. PCR amplification and cloning of osmotolerance gene of rhizobacteria. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, June (2000), pp. 401- 406.
- Yuwono, T., J. Fachiroh, and J. Soedarsono. 2000. Cloning and expression of choline dehydrogenase gene (betA) of Escherichia coli in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, June (2000), pp. 407 – 412.
- Ngadiman, Irfan D. Prijambada, Triwibowo Yuwono, dan Joedoro Soedarsono. 2000. Kemampuan metabolisme betain oleh rhizobakteria osmotoleran. Prosiding Indonesian Scientific Meeting 2000, Fukuoka Japan 25 November 2000.
- Irawati, W., T. Yuwono, H. Hartiko, J. Soedarsono. 2002. Isolasi dan karakterisasi bakteri resisten tembaga dari limbah industri. Biologi 2(13): 784 – 792, 13 Juni 2002.
- Irawati, W., T. Yuwono, H. Hartiko, J. Soedarsono. 2002. Kajian hubungan antara sifat resistensi dengan kemampuan bakteri mengakumulasi tembaga. Biologi 2 (14): 823 – 831.
- Kristamtini, D. Widianto, dan T. Yuwono. 2003. Konstruksi vektor pemotong kromosom Saccharomyces cerevisiae dengan gen penanda hisg-URA3-hisg. Jurnal Bioteknologi Pertanian 8 (1): 24 – 29.
- Yuwono, T., A. Ikhwan, and J. Soedarsono. 2003. Growth response of rhizobacterial isolates under salt osmotic stress in the presence of different carbon sources. Jurnal Mikrobiologi Indonesia, 8:44 – 46.
- Astuti, A., T. Yuwono, S. Moeljopawiro. 2003. The engineering of actinidin-encoding gene and its expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, June: 606-611.
- Yuwono, T. 2003. Expression and secretion of recombinant actinidin (cysteine protease) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, June: 634-641.
- Yuwono, T. 2003. Expression and glycosylation of actinidin (plant proteinase) in a vacuolar protease-deficient mutant of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, December 2003:643-649.
- Irawati, W., T. Yuwono, H. Hartiko, and J. Soedarsono. 2003. Accumulation of copper by copper-resistant bacteria isolated from industrial sewage. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, December 2003: 650-656.
- Yuwono, T. 2004. Improvement of protein secretion capability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae DBY 746 employing chemical mutagenesis. Hayati 11:63 – 66.
- Yuwono, T., & K.D. Anggerawati. 2004. Pectinesterase synthesis by Aspergillus niger using sugar alcohol and organic acid substrates. Jurnal Mikrobiologi Indonesia 9:55-58.
- Rodiyah, J. Soedarsono, T. Yuwono. 2004. Distribusi dan diversitas genetik bakteri diazotrof endofit pada tanaman tebu (Saccharum officinarum L.). Sains dan Sibernetika 17:227-238
- Yuwono, T. 2004. The Presence of Actinidin (Cysteine Protease) and Recombinant Plasmids Carrying Actinidin Gene Influenced the Growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 20:441-447 (Springer, The Netherland).
- Yuwono, T. 2005. Metabolism of betaine as a carbon Source by an osmotolerant bacterium isolated from the weed rhizosphere. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 21:69-73 (Springer, The Netherland)
- Yuwono, T., U.M. Praekelt, and P.A. Meacock. 2005. The role of amino-terminal and carboxy-terminal extensions in the processing and translocation of a plant proteinase (Actinidin) expressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Accepted for publication in World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (Springer, The Netherland)
- Yuwono, T., Desi Handayani, and Joedoro Soedarsono. 2005. The role of osmotolerant rhizobacteria in rice growth under different drought conditions. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 56:1-7.
- Anggreni, A.A.M.D., Yuwono, T., Moeljopawiro, S. 2005. Produksi Aktinidin Rekombinan yang Diekspresikan pada Khamir Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Sains dan Sibernatika18(4):503-515
- Kusumaningrum, H. P., E. Kusdiyantini, T. Yuwono, J. Soedarsono. Species determination of green algae isolated from jepara, indonesian coastal region based on microbiologycal, ecophysiological and molecular characterization for improvement of carotenoid production. Journal Coastal Development. Vol. 10.
- Istianto, M., K. Untung, Y.A. Trisyono, Yuwono. 2006. Komposisi dan Konsentrasi Senyawa dalam Minyak Atsiri Jeruk Manis dan Jeruk Besar terhadap Perkembangan Tungau Panonychus citri McGregor. Jurnal Hortikultura. Vol. 16.
- Syukur, A., S. Dja’far, Yuwono. 2010. Effect of Coated Urea with Humic-Calcium on Transformation of Nitrogen in Coastal Sandy Soil&58; A Soil Column Method. Jurnal Tanah Tropika. Vol. 15.
- Yuwono, T., K. D. Anggerawati. 2010. Pectinesterase Synthesis by Aspergillus niger Using Sugar Alcohol and Organic Acid Substrates. Journal Microbiology Indonesia. Vol. 9.
- Yuwono, T., A. Ikhwan., J. Soedarsono. 2010. Growth Response of Rhizobacterial Isolates under Salt Osmotic Stress in the Presence of Different Carbon Sources.Journal Microbiology Indonesia.Vol. 8
- Widianto, D., A. Arofatullah, Yuwono, I. D. Prijambada. 2010. Ethanol production by fermentation of various sweet-stalk sorghum juices using various yeast strains. Indo J Biotechnology. Vol. 15.
- Ikhwan, A., Yuwono.J. Widada. 2011. Profil Protein Klebsiella sp. dalam Kondisi Cekaman Osmotik dan Keasaman. Journal of Biota. Vol. 16
- Irawati, W., Yuwono, J. Soedarsono, H. Hartiko. 2012. Molecular and Physiological Characterization of Copper-Resistant Bacteria Isolated from Activated Sludge in an Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant in Rungkut-Surabaya, Indonesia. Journal Microbiology Indonesia. Vol.
- Kusumaningrum, H. P., E. Kusdiyantini, Yuwono, J. Soedarsono. 2013. Species Determination of Green Algae Isolated From Jepara Coastal Region Based on Microbiological, Ecophysiological and Molecular Characterization for Improvement of Carotenoid Production. Journal of coastal development. Vol. 10.
- MS Rohman, E. Pamulatsih, Y Kusnadi, Yuwoono, E. Martani.2013. An Active of Extracellular Cellulose Degrading Enzyme from Termite Bacterial Endosimbiont. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology 20 (1), 62-68
- W Irawati, T. Yuwono, J Soedarsono, H. Hartiko. 2015. The Potency Of Copper-Resistant Bacteria Cupriavidus Irc4 Isolated From Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant In Rungkut-Surabaya As A Bioremediation Agent For Heavy Metals. KnE Life Sciences.
- Irawati, T. Yuwono, A. Rusli. 2016. Detection Of Plasmids And Curing Analysis In Copper Resistant Bacteria Acinetobacter Sp. Irc1, Acinetobacter Sp. Irc2, And Cupriavidus Sp. Irc4. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity.
- Irawati, Ajn. Parhusip, S. Christian, T. Yuwono. 2017. The Potential Capability Of Bacteria And Yeast Strains Isolated From Rungkut Industrial Sewage In Indonesia As A Bioaccumulators And Biosorbents Of Copper. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 18 (3), 971-977.
- A Ambarwati, L Sembiring, S Wahyuono, S Moeldjopawiro, T Yuwono. Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Isolat Streptomyces yang Berasosiasi dengan Rizosfer Rumput Teki (Cyperus Rotundus) dari Dataran Tinggi Cemoro Sewu. Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning. Vol. 14..
- B Octavia, T Yuwono, A Taftazani. 2018. Isolasi Dan Identifikasi Molekular Bakteri Toleran Uranium Yang Berpotensi Dalam Biopresipitasi Uranium. GANENDRA Majalah IPTEK Nuklir 21 (1), 45-53
- W Irawati, T. Yuwono, N.P. Ompusunggu. 2018. Growth characteristics and copper accumulation of bacterial consortium Acinetobacter sp. and Cupriavidus sp. isolated from a wastewater treatment plant. Biodiversitas 19(5): 1884-1890.
- W Irawati, N.P. Ompusunggu, T. Yuwono. 2018. Influence of bacterial consortium for copper biosorption and accumulation. AIP Conference Proceedings 2002(1): 020072-1 – 0200728.
- A Taftazani, B Octavia, T Yuwono. 2018. Isolasi dan Identifikasi Molekular Bakteri Toleran Uranium yang Berpotensi dalam Biopresipitasi Uranium. Ganendra: Majalah IPTEK Nuklir 21 (1), 45-53.
- S Sulakhudin, A Syukur, T Yuwono. 2018. Effect of coated urea with humic-calcium on transformation of nitrogen in coastal sandy soil: a soil column method. Journal of Tropical Soils 15(1): 11-18.
- W Irawati, N.P. Ompusunggu, D.N. Susilowati, T. Yuwono. 2019. Molecular and physiological characterization of indigenous copper-resistant bacteria from Cikapundung River, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 20(2): 344-349.
- W Irawati, N Sopiah, S Sulistia, S Riak, T Yuwono. 2019. Application of Acinetobacter sp. IrC2 for Removing Heavy metals from Textile Industrial Sewage Using a Fixed bed bioreactor. 244-250
- I Wahyu, R Pinontoan, T Yuwono. 2020. Indigenous copper resistant bacteria isolated from activated sludge of water treatment plant in Surabaya, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 21(11): 5077-5084.
- A Ambarwati, S Wahyuono, S Moeljopawiro, T Yuwono. 2020. Antimicrobial activity of ethyl acetate extracts of Streptomyces sp. CRB46 and the prediction of their bioactive compounds chemical structure. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 21(7): 3380-3390.
- W Irawati, E S Djojo, L Kusumawati, T Yuwono and R Pinontoan. 2021. Optimizing Bioremediation: Elucidating Copper Accumulation Mechanisms of Acinetobacter sp. IrC2 Isolated From an Industrial Waste Treatment Center. Front. Microbiol. 12:713812.
- A Rakhmawati, E T Wahyuni, T Yuwono. 2021. Potential application of thermophilic bacterium Aeribacillus pallidus MRP280 for lead removal from aqueous solution. Heliyon 7(1): 1-9.
- J Widada, E Damayanti, M R Alhakim, T Yuwono, M Mustofa. 2021.Two strains of airborne Nocardiopsis alba producing different volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as biofungicide for Ganoderma boninense. FEMS Microbiology Letters 368 (20): 1-10.
- T A Surya, O Palupi, T Yuwono, S Wedhastri. 2021. Metabolome profile of osmotolerant rhizobacteria under osmotic stress. 10th International Seminar and 12th Congress of Indonesian Society for Microbiology (ISISM 2019) 208-213.
- A Rakhmawati, E T Wahyuni, T Yuwono. 2021. Lead uptake capacity of thermophilic bacteria Aeribacillus pallidus strains isolated from Merapi volcano, Indonesia. The Microbiological Society of Korea 57(2): 91-98.
- A Rakhmawati, E T Wahyuni, T Yuwono. 2021. Thermophilic bacteria isolated from Mount Merapi, Java, Indonesia as a potential lead bioremediation agent. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 22(6): 3101-3110.
- H D Kusumardani, T Yuwono, D Rachmawati. 2022. Growth and Physiological Attributes of Rice by the Inoculation of Osmotolerant Rhizobacteria (Enterobacter flavescens) under Drought Condition. Journal of Tropical Biodiversity & Biotechnology 7(2): 1-16.
- W Irawati, V Lindarto, R Pinontoan, T Yuwono, F M Mangunsong, D W Silalahi. 2022. Burkholderia cepacia strain IrV1 multi-resistant to copper and dyes isolated from laboratory wastewater effluent. Biodiversitas 23: 2614-2620.
- W Irawati, R. Pinontoan, B. Mouretta, T. Yuwono. 2022. The potential of copper-resistant bacteria Acinetobacter sp. strain CN5 in decolorizing dyes. Biodiversitas 23(2): 680-686.
- W Irawati, M Timothy, S E Soentoro, R Pinontoan, T Yuwono, V Lindarto. 2022. Enterobacter hormaechei KIMS8 and Enterobacter cloacae KIMS10 isolated from Kapuas River, Kalimantan, Indonesia as indigenous multi-resistant bacteria to copper and dyes. Biodiversitas 23: 6661-6668.
- W Irawati*, T Yuwono, R Pinontoan, V Lindarto. 2023. Optimising Wastewater Treatment: Acinetobacter sp. IrC1 As A Potential Multi-Resistant Bacterium for Copper Accumulation and Dyes Decolourisation. Tropical Life Sciences Reseacrh 34(3): 37–56.
- W Irawati, D N Susilowati, I Sofiana, V Lindarto, R Pinontoan, T Yuwono. 2023. Exploration of indigenous copper and dye-resistant bacteria isolated from Citarum River, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 24(2): 1215-1223 .