Dr. Ir. Sri Wedhastri, M.S.
Publikasi Ilmiah:
- Jutono and Wedhastri, S. 1983. The Potency of Usar as Inoculum for Tempeh Fermentation for Various Substrates and Admixtures. Proceeding of the Third Asean Workshop on Solid Substrate Fermentation. Cebu City, Phillippines.
- Sri Wedhastri. 1993 Penurunan Kadar Glukosida Sianogenik Biji Koro Bengok (Mucuna pruriens, DC) oleh Aktivitas Fermentasi Aspergillus oryzae, A. sojae, Rhizopus oligosporus dan R. oryzae. Agric. Sci. V(2):593-602.
- Sri Wedhastri & J.Widada.2000. Penggunaan Rhizobakteria dalam Produksi Inokulum Jamur Mikorisa Arbuskular. Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan 2 (2):13-20
- Kuswanto, KR & Sri Wedhastri. 2001. Production of ??-Glucosidase in The Cassava-Liquid Waste and Velvet Bean (Mucuna pruriens, DC). Biotechnology for Sustainnable Utilization of Biological Resources in The Tropics. Vol. 15 : 38-45.
- Noviandi, CT; E. Razzazi ; A. Agus; J.Bohm;HW. Hulan; S. Wedhastri; YB. Maryudani; Nuryono; Sardjono & J. Leibetseder. 2001. Natural Occurrence of Aflatoxin B2 in Some Indonesia Food and Feed Products in Yogyakarta in Year 1998-1999. Mycotoxin Research. Proceedings of The 23 rd Mykotoxin- Workshop 28- 30 May, Vienna, Austria Part 2, 17A(2): 174-177.
- Nuryono; CT. Noviandi; J. Bohm; A. Agus; S. Wedhastri; YB. Maryudani & E. Razzazi. 2002. A Survay of Fumonisins (B1, B2, B3) in Indonesian Corn-Based Food and Feed Samples. Proceedings of 24 th Mykotoxin-Workshop, Berlin- Marienfelde 03-05 Juni. (Poster Paper).
- Sri Wedhastri. 2002. Isolasi dan Seleksi Azotobakter spp. Penghasil Faktor Tumbuh dan Penambat Nitrogen dari Tanah Masam. Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lngkungan 3 (1) 45-51.
- Nuryono; CT. Noviandi; J. Bohm; A. Agus; S. Wedhastri; YB. Maryudani & E. Razzazi. 2004 Occurrence of Fumonisins (B1, B2, B3) in Maize-Based Food & Feed Samples from Indonesia. Mycotoxin Research. 20 (1); 2-10.
- Wedhastri, S., 2006. Isolasi dan seleksi Azotobakter penambat nitrogen dan penghasil zat pengatur tumbuh dari berbagai jenis tanah. Prosiding seminar hasil penelitian pertanian. Lustrum XII Fakultas Pertaian UGM
- Wedhastri, S. 2007. Penambatan nitrogen dan penghasilan indol asam asetat oleh isolat-isolat Azotobacter pada pH rendah dan aluminium tinggi. Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan.
- N Nuryono, A Agus, S Wedhastri, YB Maryudani, FMC Sigit Setyabudi, J Böhm, E Razzazi-Fazeli. 2009. A limited survey of aflatoxin M1 in milk from Indonesia by ELISA. Journal of Food Control 20(8): 721-724.
- F Setyabudi, N Nuryono, S Wedhastri, HK Mayer, E Razzazi-Fazeli. 2012. Limited survey of deoxynivalenol occurrence in maize kernels and maize-products collected from Indonesian retail market. Journal of Food Control 24(2): 123-127.
- S Wedhastri, N F Yudianti, J Widada, J B Baon. 2012. Ability of non symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria isolated from coffee plant rhizosphere and their effects on Robusta coffee seedlings. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 2(5): 660.
- J B Baon, S Wedhastri, A Kurniawan. 2012. The ability of phosphate solubilizing bacteria isolated from coffee plant rhizosphere and their effects on Robusta coffee seedlings. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 2(9): 106.
- D Widianto, S Wedhastri, R Evizal, R A Sitompul, S M Rahajeng, I D Prijambada, J Widada, S Kabirun. 2012. 2Hp03 Legume Nodulating Bacteria (LNB) Biodiversity in Tropical Agroecosystem. 日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集 64: 73.
- N Nuryono, A Agus, S Wedhastri, YMS Maryudhani, D Pranowo, Y Yunianto, E R Fazeli. 2012. Adsorption of aflatoxin B1 in corn on natural zeolite and bentonite. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 12(3): 279-286.
- S Wedhastri, D M Fardhani, S Kabirun, J Widada, D Widianto, R Evizal, I D Prijambada. 2013. Legume nodulating bacterium, Achromobacter xylosoxidans found in tropical shrub agroecosystem, Sumatera, Indonesia. Maj Kedokt Indon 18(2).
- S Wedhastri, Y Prahastiwi, J Widada, D Widianto, S. Kabirun. 2013. The Diversity of Legume-Nodulating Bacteria from Several Agroecosystems in Sumberjaya, Lampung. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology 18(1): 64-69.
- D Pranowo, Nuryono, A Agus, S Wedhastri, E V Reiter, E Razzazi Fazeli, J Zentek. 2013. A limited survey of aflatoxin B1 contamination in Indonesian palm kernel cake and copra meal sampled from batches. Journal of Mycotoxin research 29: 135-139.
- D Widianto, A D Pramita, S Wedhastri. 2013. Perbaikan proses fermentasi biji kakao kering dengan penambahan tetes tebu, khamir, dan bakteri asam asetat. Jurnal teknosains 3(1).
- A M Hidayat, E Ambarwati, S Wedhastri, P Basunanda. 2015. Pengujian lima pupuk organik cair komersial dan pupuk NPK pada Jagung (Zea mays L.). Jurnal Vegetalika 4(4): 9-20.
- M Magdalena, C R Priyambada, D Widianto, S Wedhastri, I D Prijambada. 2024. Yeast Diversity in Honey Produced by Wild Honeybees at Different Elevations. Baghdad Science Journal 2411-7986.