Kurikulum Program Studi Mikrobiologi Pertanian memiliki beban studi 144-148 sks dengan mata kuliah wajib Mikrobiologi Pertanian berjumlah 87 SKS yang dapat ditempuh dalam waktu kurang dari 8 semester dan selama-lamanya 10 semester.
Semester I | Semester II | |||||||
No | Kode | Mata Kuliah | SKS | No | Kode | Mata Kuliah | SKS | |
1. | UNU 1101 | Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) | 2/0 | 1. | UNU 1204 | Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (Civics Education) | 2/0 | |
2. | UNU 1102 | Pendidikan Pancasila (Pancasila Education) | 2/0 | 2. | PNU 1203 | Biokimia (Biochemistry) | 2/0 | |
3. | PNU 1101 | Pengantar Ilmu Pertanian (Introduction to Agricultural Science) | 2/0 | 3. | PNU 1204 | Praktikum Biokimia (Laboratory Classes in Biochemistry) | 0/1 | |
4. | PNU 1102 | Botani (Botany) | 2/0 | 4. | PNA 1251 | Statistika Pertanian (Statistic for Agriculture) | 2/0 | |
5. | PNA 1102 | Agronomi (Agronomy) | 2/1 | 5. | PNA 1203 | Ekosistem Pertanian (Agricultural Eccosystem) | 2/1 | |
6. | PNE 1151 | Manajemen dan Ekonomi Pertanian (Agricultural Management and Economics) | 2/1 | 6. | PNA 1252 | Genetika Pertanian (Genetics in Agriculture) | 2/1 | |
7. | PNM 1101 | Mikrobioma Pertanian (Agricultural Microbiomes) | 2/1 | 7. | PNT 1202 | Watak dan Sifat Tanah (Nature and Properties of Soil) | 2/1 | |
8. | PNM 1102 | Fisika Dasar (Fundamentals of Physics) | 2/0 | 8. | PNM 1203 | Biologi Mikroorganisme (Biology of Microorganisms) | 2/1 | |
9. | PNA 1101 | Matematika Terapan (Applied Mathematics) | 2/0 | 9. | PNM 1204 | Kimia Organik (Organic Chemistry) | 2/0 | |
10. | PNE 1151 | Pelatihan Pembelajaran Sukses Mahasiswa Baru (Success Skill) | 0/1 | Jumlah SKS Maksimal | 21 | |||
Jumlah SKS Maksimal | 22 | |||||||
Semester III | Semester IV | |||||||
No | Kode | Mata Kuliah | SKS | No | Kode | Mata Kuliah | SKS | |
1. | PNT 2105 | Klimatologi Pertanian (Agroclimatology) | 2/1 | 1. | PNU 2205 | Bioteknologi Pertanian (Agricultural Biotechnology) | 2/0 | |
2. | PNH 1101 | Perlindungan Tanaman (Plant Protection) | 2/1 | 2. | PNU 2206 | Bahasa Inggris Akademik (English for Academic Purposes) | 2/0 | |
3. | PNM 2105 | Enzimologi (Enzimology) | 2/0 | 3. | PNT 2215 | Pengelolaan Air untuk Pertanian (Agricultural Water Management) | 2/0 | |
4. | PNM 2106 | Genetika Mikrobia (Microbial Genetics) | 2/1 | 4. | PNA 2206 | Fisiologi Tumbuhan (Plant Physiology) | 2/1 | |
5. | PNM 2107 | Fisiologi Mikrobia (Microbial Physiology) | 2/1 | 5. | PNP 1202 | Penyuluhan dan Komunikasi Pertanian (Agricultural Extention and Communication) | 2/1 | |
6. | PNM 2108 | Ekologi Mikrobia (Microbial Ecology) | 2/1 | 6. | PNM 2210 | Mikrobiologi Tanah dan Tanaman (Soil and Plant Microbiology) | 2/1 | |
7. | PNM 2019 | Sistematika dan Taksonomi Mikrobia | 2/1 | 7. | PNM 2211 | Mikrobiologi Akuatik (Aquatic Microbiology) | 2/1 | |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan | 8. | PNM 2212 | Mikrobiologi Agroindustri (Agroindustrial Microbiology) | 2/1 | ||||
Jumlah SKS Maksimal | 24 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan | ||||||
Jumlah SKS Maksimal | 24 | |||||||
Semester V | Semester VI | |||||||
No | Kode | Mata Kuliah | SKS | No | Kode | Mata Kuliah | SKS | |
1. | UNU 310# | Pendidikan Agama (Religious Education) | 2/0 | Belajar di Luar Kampus (MBKM) | max. 20 | |||
2. | PNU 3107 | Metodologi Penelitian (Research Methodology) | 2/0 | 1. | PNU 4111 | Kepemimpinan* (Leadership*) | 1/0 | |
3. | PNA 2153 | Perancangan Percobaan (Experimental Designs) | 2/1 | 3. | PNU 3108 | Kerja Lapangan* (Field Work*) | 0/2 | |
4. | PNM 3113 | Bioinformatika Dasar (Basic of Bioinformatics) | 2/0 | 4. | PNU 3209 | Seminar* (Seminar*) | 0/1 | |
5. | PNM 3114 | Analisis Kimia dan Biologi Molekuler (Chemical and Molecular Biological Analysis) | 2/0 | 5. | UNU 3206 | KKN** (Community Service Program**) | 0/3 | |
6. | PNU 3108 | Kerja Lapangan* (Field Work*) | 0/2 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan | ||||
7. | PNU 3209 | Seminar* (Seminar*) | 0/1 | Jumlah SKS Maksimal | 24 | |||
Mata Kuliah Pilihan | ||||||||
Jumlah SKS Maksimal | 24 | |||||||
Semester VII | Semester VIII | |||||||
No | Kode | Mata Kuliah | SKS | No | Kode | Mata Kuliah | SKS | |
Belajar di Luar Kampus (MBKM) | max. 20 | 1 | PNU 4110 | Skripsi* (Undergraduate Thesis*) | 0/6 | |||
1. | UNU 3206 | KKN** (Community Service Program**) | 0/3 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan | ||||
2. | PNU 4110 | Skripsi* (Undergraduate Thesis*) | 0/6 | Jumlah SKS Maksimal | 24 | |||
Mata Kuliah Pilihan | ||||||||
Jumlah SKS Maksimal | 24 | |||||||
Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Semester Ganjil | Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Semester Genap | |||||||
No | Kode | Mata Kuliah | SKS | No | Kode | Mata Kuliah | SKS | |
1. | PNM 3115 | Teknologi dan Rekayasa Enzim (Enzyme Technology and Engineering) | 2/0 | 1. | PNM 3221 | Pengantar Biodegradasi dan Bioremediasi (Introduction to Biodegradation and Bioremediation) | 2/0 | |
2. | PNM 3116 | Bioteknologi Tanah dan Tanaman (Soil and Environmental Biotechnology) | 2/0 | 2. | PNM 3222 | Teknologi Produksi Biomassa (Biomass Production Technology) | 2/0 | |
3. | PNM 3117 | Mikrobiologi Pasca Panen (Post-Harvest Microbiology) | 2/1 | 3. | PNM 3223 | Thermo Mikrobiologi (Thermomicrobiology) | 2/0 | |
4. | PNM 3118 | Kewirausahaan Mikrobiologi (Enterpreneurship in Microbiology) | 2/0 | 4. | PNM 3224 | Keamanan Biologi (Biological Safety) | 2/0 | |
5. | PNM 3119 | Pengantar Biologi Sintetik (Introductory of Synthetic Biology) | 2/0 | 5. | PNM 3225 | Otomatisasi dalam Proses Mikrobiologis (Automation in Microbiological Processes) | 2/0 | |
6. | PNM 3120 | Keragaman Hayati (Microbial Diversity) | 2/0 | Mata kuliah pilihan Prodi/Fakultas lain | ||||
Mata kuliah pilihan Prodi/Fakultas lain | ||||||||
Keterangan :
Mata Kuliah Wajib Mikrobiologi : 87 sks
* : Wajib diambil atau menjadi bagian dari belajar di luar kampus
** : Diperhitungkan sebagai salah satu bentuk belajar di luar kampus