On January 23, 2024, the Department of Agricultural Microbiology held the January Judiciary Event for the 1st Period of the Academic Year of the Odd Semester 2023/2024 for seven students at the Soil and Environment Laboratory of the Agrotropica Learning Center (AGLC). The seven students, are Haedar Alfi Yahya (2018), Himatul Aliyah (2018), Alinda Ratna Rahmwati (2019), Muhammad Fadhil Muzaki (2019), Qurata A’yun Dyah Palupi (2019), Natalia Puspitasari (2019), and Roihana Ifa Kamalia (2020). Five students graduated with honors (Cumlaude) and two students graduated with distinction (Excellent). These seven students will participate in the graduation ceremony in February 2024 at Grha Sabha Pramana. One of the students who graduated with honors, Roihana Ifa Kamalia, completed her studies in the shortest time, which is 3 years, 4 months, and 9 days. Furthermore, on January 31, 2024, the Department of Agricultural Microbiology held another Judiciary Event for the 2nd period, graduating two students, Mutiara Diesta (2019) and Daniella Atteke Cantika Putri (2020). Both students also graduated with honors (Cumlaude), with Daniella Atteke Cantika Putri finishing in 3 years, 4 months, and 17 days. The graduating students conducted research on the utilization of microbes in plants and the environment to support sustainable agriculture.
In both graduation periods, all lecturers from the Department of Agricultural Microbiology attended as academic advisors and thesis supervisors for the students. One lecturer, Mrs. Desi Utami, Ph.D., delivered a message to the graduates that “The three keys to success in the future are ‘KKN’ – Know yourself, build Connections, and dare to Try.” Natalia Puspitasari also shared her impression during her studies in the Department of Agricultural Microbiology, stating, “Besides academic knowledge, there are also many soft skills and life-related lessons. Many encouraging words from the lecturers and assistance from the educational staff. During the research period, I got to know myself better because of managing work schedules in the lab, knowing when to rest, and when to work.” Congratulations to the new graduates!
This synergy is a strong evidence to achieve the goal of SDG 1: No Poverty, SDG 2: Zero Hunger, SDG 4: Quality Education, and SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.