
An undergraduate thesis research report written by a undergraduate students that applies scientific methods. This undergraduate thesis is a part of the requirements for obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture. The purpose of this course is to train students to organize, conduct, and summarize scientific research. The research topics conducted by Department of Agricultural Microbiology students should be within Agricultural Microbiology studies. Students’ research findings will be presented in the form of final report and presentation.

Students are intensively guided by 2 supervisor(s) during the process. Supervisor(s) are assigned to based on the fitness/closeness of the research topic proposed by the student expertise/research interest. There are three main processes in the preparation of a thesis: Submission of Research Proposal, Research Activity and Manuscript Writing, and Undergraduate Thesis Defense. Once the research is completed and the thesis manuscript is prepared, students may take the thesis final defense.

Hereafter, the undergraduate thesis committee (department level) will select one or two appropriate academic staff as examiner or the final defence judges. The final thesis defence (closed defence) is done by presentation which takes about 20 minutes and it is followed by an oral examination for about 1.5 hour.