Bincang Bareng Keilmuan (BBK): Career talkshow Session is a talkshow agenda as a session to share experiences about the career world as a provision for active Microbiology students in preparing to face the world of work. Through the Scientific Talk agenda, it is hoped that it can prepare students to face challenges, where the world of work is different from the campus world and career competition will be increasingly difficult.
On Saturday, June 8, 2024 Bincang Bareng Keilmuan (BBK): Career talkshow session was held in a hybrid manner, online in the Zoom meeting room and offline in the KPTU room, A1 Building, 3rd Floor. The BBK event was attended by Susanti Mugi Lestari, S.P., M.Si., Ph.D. and Agung Dian Kharisma, S.Pd.Si., M.Biotek, Ph.D. as representatives of lecturers of the Agricultural Microbiology department and active students of Agricultural Microbiology as many as 48 participants. BBK: Career talkshow session was initiated by the Scientific Department of the Microbiology Student Association (Permahami) because it saw the difficulty of competing in the world of work after graduating from campus. So that the BBK event carries the theme “Sharing by Alumni: Building Capacity for a Career in Industry”.
Sharing by Alumni: Building Capacity for a Career in Industry, the theme carried at the BBK event this time by inviting Agricultural Microbiology alumni speaker Surya Dwi Kusuma Darpita, S.P., M.S.M., PHRI. as Regional Head of TA and Diversity Inculsion, Asia (S.C. Johnson Asia Pacific SDN BHD). Pita as a speaker explored and shared her experience as a microbiology student who dived into the world of international careers. Pita said “Don’t focus too much on the pursuit of GPA alone, but find what we really build. GPA is just one of many components. Find what you are passionate about. As a microbiology graduate, there are many things you can do. What makes us exceptional is research. However, there are various other opportunities that we can take”. It is hoped that the Scientific Talk agenda can prepare students to face global challenges, where the world of work is different from the campus world and career competition is getting tougher.
This synergy is a strong evidence to achieve the goal of SDG 4: Quality Education.