On July 31, 2024, the Department of Agricultural Microbiology graduated two students, Wilda Asyrina Maris (2019) and Nur Afni Febriyani (2020). Wilda Asyrina Maris, often called Wilda, completed her studies in 4 years, 11 months, and 19 days, while Afni completed hers in 3 years, 10 months, and 17 days. This second graduation ceremony was held at the Microbiology Library, on the 4th floor of the Agrotropica Learning Center (AGLC) building. Wilda graduated with an “Excellent” (Sangat Memuaskan) distinction and Afni graduated with a “Cum Laude” (Pujian) distinction, with a GPA of 3.78.
This graduation ceremony was attended by lecturers from the Department of Agricultural Microbiology, who served as academic advisors and thesis supervisors for the students. One of the lecturers, Prof. Ir. Triwibowo Yuwono, Ph.D., conveyed a message to the graduates, saying, “Do not forget to thank your parents, because without their guidance, love, and sacrifices, it would not be possible to achieve this accomplishment. Without their guidance and affection, one would be nothing. Although the knowledge gained may seem small, it still provides great benefits. The best way to be grateful is to make the most of that knowledge.”
The event continued with remarks from the graduates. Wilda shared, “I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the lecturers who have guided me throughout my studies and imparted so much knowledge. There have been many ups and downs during my studies. The positive aspects include meeting inspirational lecturers and supportive friends. The challenging aspects involved many trials and errors, especially during research, and frequent overtime, but all of these taught me that everything is a process, and Alhamdulillah, I have gone through it all to be here.” Wilda hopes that all the knowledge and experiences gained during her studies can be beneficial and applied when engaging with society in the future. She also hopes that the Department of Microbiology will continue to progress, develop, and succeed.
Then, Afni shared her remarks. “During my time in microbiology, I was very happy because I learned many things and met amazing lecturers. After joining the microbiology department, I realized that microbiology is very complex and can be found and applied everywhere. I hope that in the future, the field of microbiology will continue to develop,” said Afni. The final part of the event was the closing and documentation session. This synergy is a strong proof of achieving SDG 4: Quality Education and SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.
Congratulations to the graduates,
Wishing you all continued success!