The Microbiology Student Association (PERMAHAMI) is hosting the Bincang Bareng Keilmuan (BBK) event. Bincang Bareng Keilmuan (BBK) is a program designed to accommodate students’ curiosity about programs or activities that can be pursued during their time as Agricultural Microbiology students. This event has the theme “Study Abroad: Expanding Horizons through Education.” The purpose of this theme is to prepare a better program plan for Agricultural Microbiology students both during their studies and after graduating from the Agricultural Microbiology undergraduate program. The event will take place on Friday, August 30, 2024, and will feature two AIMS 2023 awardees, Zikra Fathin Nabila and Sausan Syadzafie Shafar. They will share their experiences from their exchange programs in Japan and South Korea.
Zikra Fathin Nabila, commonly called Zikra, is a student of the Agricultural Microbiology class of 2021. Zikra participated in a study exchange program in Japan, specifically at Ibaraki University. Before departure, Zikra prepared various things, including visa, passport, other supporting documents, and flight accommodation. During her time at Ibaraki University, Zikra gained various learning experiences. The learning model involved discussions, where the lecturer provided a topic, and students were divided into groups to discuss and present their findings. Additionally, there were field studies conducted outside the classroom, such as harvesting sweet potatoes, fruits, and more. Ibaraki University also provided facilities for AIMS students to conduct independent research in the laboratory and present their results. Finally, there were also materials introducing Indonesian culture to students in Japan.
Sausan Syadzafie Shafar, often called Sausan, is a student of Agricultural Microbiology class of 2021. She participated in a student exchange program at Gyeongsang National University (GNU) in South Korea. The preparation and learning methods were similar to Zikra’s. GNU has various complete campus facilities, such as a comfortable library, laboratories, canteen, and dormitories. Some of the courses Sausan took included language, wood physics, and agricultural economics. At GNU, many festivals are held, and Sausan participated in one of the festivals with other exchange students.
In addition to learning, both of them also engaged in various community activities, such as sports clubs. They also visited several tourist destinations in their respective countries. They did not face many obstacles during their exchange programs. They enjoyed and appreciated the activities they participated in. Their experiences have successfully broadened perspectives on study exchange, which was previously thought to be too complicated but turned out to be not so complex. With the implementation of this Scientific Chat activity, it is hoped that it can enhance the understanding and preparation of Agricultural Microbiology students regarding the professional world and study abroad programs. This synergy is a strong testament to achieving SDG 4: Quality Education.
Author: Dwi Nur Cahyani