The KKN-PPM program conducted by UGM (Gadjah Mada University) provides an opportunity for agricultural microbiology student, Zikra Fathin Nabila, to broaden her knowledge of national values and diversity. This KKN program was conducted from July to August. For exactly 50 days, Zikra carried out her KKN program in Pelaga Village, a village that is very green, cool, and full of unique Indonesian potential to be proud of. Zikra learned a lot from the community there about social values, nationalism, and diversity. Actively participating in community activities in the village made Zikra proud to be an Indonesian citizen. This KKN activity also became a place for Zikra to learn a lot about practical knowledge directly in the community environment.
At the beginning of the KKN-PPM program, Zikra conducted observations of the natural and social environment in Pelaga Village. Pelaga Village is known as one of the villages with a superior asparagus farming area. The market for Pelaga asparagus is already quite extensive, both domestically and internationally. In the process of fulfilling market demand, there are often some asparagus that are not utilized due to not meeting the quality standards. As a microbiology student, Zikra tried to innovate in utilizing these asparagus by processing them into preserved products like kimchi. By making kimchi, the taste of asparagus will not be completely lost, and the vegetable can last longer. The choice to make this product also aligns with the local low-temperature environment. Making kimchi is just one of the programs carried out during the KKN. There were many more programs conducted by Zikra and her team, the “Turn to Pelaga” KKN-PPM UGM Team, where all the programs designed and implemented were oriented towards community needs and empowerment. This synergy serves as strong evidence to achieve SDG 1: No Poverty, SDG 2: Zero Hunger, SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being, and SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.
Author: Zikra Fathin Nabila